Warden 1.3.2 released & new Web App UI designs

The new version of Warden has been released. It’s a rather minor update concerning only core Warden package, however it includes a feature that I was asked for a quite some time - a possibility to dynamically reconfigure the already existing Warden instance.

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Warden 1.3.1 released

The new version of Warden has been released. It’s not as big update, as the version 1.3.0, however it contais some minor updates towards making the Warden extensions available cross-platform. All of the packages (core, watchers and integrations) are ready to be installed via NuGet.

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Warden 1.3.0 released

It’s been 2 months since the latest version of the Warden has been released as the NuGet packages. Although our focus (yes, I’m not the only one person anymore working on this project) has moved towards the development of so-called stack (brand new API, Website, Microservices etc.) I’m still actively developing the core library in order to make it even more useful than before.

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Warden update .NET 4.6.1 & NETCoreApp

Thanks to the contribution from Mattias, Warden and all of it’s packages have been updated to the latest version of the framework which is .NET 4.6.1. and accordingly the cross-platform packages have been upgraded to use the NETCoreApp including DotNet 5.6 & DNX Core 5.0.

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MS SQL integration

The new type of integration designed for either querying or saving the data into the MS SQL database has been released. MS SQL integration also provides storing the whole IWardenIteration object thanks to the available method SaveIterationAsync() and provided table schema, which means you can store all the data you need in your own MS SQL database just within a few lines of code.

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Server watcher

Previously existing Port watcher has been extended with a new feature for sending a ping requests (including status description in response), therefore it has been refactored into the new Server watcher. Port is now an optional parameter, as from now on this watcher serves a more generic purpose.

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Intervals feature

Interval is a brand new functionality, that I’ve been asked to implement at least for a few times. By using intervals, you are able to specify a custom period for each particular Watcher (or all of them at once) after which the actual check (invoking ExecuteAsync() method) will happen.

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