MS SQL integration

The new type of integration designed for either querying or saving the data into the MS SQL database has been released. MS SQL integration also provides storing the whole IWardenIteration object thanks to the available method SaveIterationAsync() and provided table schema, which means you can store all the data you need in your own MS SQL database just within a few lines of code.

Sample usage:

var wardenConfiguration = WardenConfiguration
    .IntegrateWithMsSql(@"Data Source=.\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Integrated Security=True")
    .SetHooks((hooks, integrations) =>
	hooks.OnIterationCompletedAsync(iteration => integrations.MsSql()
     	     .QueryAsync<int>("select * from users where id = @id", GetSqlQueryParams()))
     	     .OnIterationCompletedAsync(iteration => integrations.MsSql()
     	     .ExecuteAsync("insert into messages values(@message)", GetSqlCommandParams()));
    //Configure watchers, hooks etc..

private static IDictionary<string, object> GetSqlQueryParams()
    => new Dictionary<string, object> {["id"] = 1};

private static IDictionary<string, object> GetSqlCommandParams()
    => new Dictionary<string, object> {["message"] = "Iteration completed"};

Saving the iteration objects:

var wardenConfiguration = WardenConfiguration
    .IntegrateWithMsSql(@"Data Source=.\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Integrated Security=True")
    .SetHooks((hooks, integrations) =>
        hooks.OnIterationCompletedAsync(iteration => 
              OnIterationCompletedMsSqlAsync(iteration, integrations.MsSql()));
    //Configure watchers, hooks etc..

private static async Task OnIterationCompletedMsSqlAsync(IWardenIteration wardenIteration,
    MsSqlIntegration integration)
    await integration.SaveIterationAsync(wardenIteration);

Database schema for storing IWardenIteration:

CREATE TABLE WardenIterations
	Id bigint primary key identity not null,
	WardenName nvarchar(MAX) not null,
	Ordinal bigint not null,
	StartedAt datetime not null,
	CompletedAt datetime not null,
	ExecutionTime time not null,
	IsValid bit not null

CREATE TABLE WardenCheckResults
	Id bigint primary key identity not null,
	WardenIteration_Id bigint not null,
	IsValid bit not null,
	StartedAt datetime not null,
	CompletedAt datetime not null,
	ExecutionTime time not null,
	foreign key (WardenIteration_Id) references WardenIterations(Id)

CREATE TABLE WatcherCheckResults
	Id bigint primary key identity not null,
	WardenCheckResult_Id bigint not null,
	WatcherName nvarchar(MAX) not null,
	WatcherType nvarchar(MAX) not null,
	Description nvarchar(MAX) not null,
	IsValid bit not null,
	foreign key (WardenCheckResult_Id) references WardenCheckResults(Id)

	Id bigint primary key identity not null,
	WardenCheckResult_Id bigint not null,
	ParentException_Id bigint null,
	Message nvarchar(MAX) null,
	Source nvarchar(MAX) null,
	StackTrace nvarchar(MAX) null,
	foreign key (WardenCheckResult_Id) references WardenCheckResults(Id),
	foreign key (ParentException_Id) references Exceptions(Id)

MS SQL integration is available as a NuGet package.

Install-Package Warden.Integrations.MsSql
Written on July 14, 2016